About Iconmapping

  • From the desk of the director

    "It is Difficult, but Possible. While employment avenues are increasing rapidly in India’s fast-growing economy, they are not being filled by people with compatible skill-sets.

    Iconmapping attempts to bridge the divide between those who have access to opportunities and those who are increasingly being marginalized.

    We believe that equity in livelihoods helps in building an inclusive society We, the team of iconmapping have pledged to go for professional development for today’s youth in every sphere of corporate activities. The team of iconmapping has geared up to place BPL aspirants in different corporates without charge. In an effort in doing so, we have gone for ecommerce ventures like B2B and B2C. So our main focus for years has been on B2Y, B2B and B2C. Working in partnership with all concerned, we strive to create quality opportunities by introducing sheer professionalism in today’s youth with particular focus on the deprived.

    Set up in 2009, Iconmapping is driven by its belief in the inherent motivation and capacity of the human being for progress given the appropriate and adequate environment. Iconmapping innovates and tries out novel concepts that are continuously refined and scaled up to cover larger groups of disadvantaged populations Seeing the possibilities rather than the problems created by change, Iconmapping plays the role of a change agent in the social sector, by recognizing and pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission, and by engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation and introducing corporatisation .

    Catalyzing Innovative and Sustainable change.

    Iconmapping interventions span three sectors:


    Iconmapping addresses the issues of employability, income generation and consequent improvement in quality of life.

    Iconmapping addresses the issues of continuous development, income generation, and employability through Event Management.